On September 12, FFA jointly with Eco-Business will conduct an invite-only briefing session on how to strengthen gender mainstreaming in Asia’s energy transition at Unlocking Capital for Sustainability (UCFS) 2024 co-organized by Eco-Business and United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP).
Women play a pivotal role in Asia’s energy transition not only as beneficiaries, but also as active participants and leaders. While the shift towards a non-fossil-fuel-based economy presents opportunities for gender equality and empowerment, large infrastructure developments usually result in the displacement of communities and loss of livelihoods, among many other negative impacts, and affects women and girls, more disproportionately.
FFA’s session will highlight the dimensions and opportunities for a gender-transformative energy transition as well as engage key Asian financial sector stakeholders to discuss how to strengthen the region’s energy transition finance. The dialogue will draw reference from preliminary insights from an upcoming FFA report on gender and the just energy transition (JET).
More information
- To learn more about FFA’s session and Eco-Business’ UCFS, click here.