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On September 26, FFA, jointly with Business and Human Rights Research Centre (BHRRC), will conduct a session, “Unearthing Injustices: Towards Remedy, Grievance Mechanisms and Shared Prosperity Models,” at United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights (UN RBHR) Forum Asia-Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand.
The transition to clean energy is a global emergency, so a clear vision of an inclusive energy future is urgently needed. However, simply replacing traditional sources of energy with renewable energy is not necessarily a straightforward solution, particularly if such a drastic shift causes increased and lopsided injustices for affected communities and workers.
In Asia, many countries are introducing policies to attract domestic, regional, and international investment in renewable energy solutions which in turn also increases the demand for transition minerals required to power these new technologies. As the transition minerals value chains expand, financial institutions and companies must strengthen their human rights due diligence and take a more active role in identifying and remedying harms in the extractive industry, which is among many sectors linked to serious violations of land rights, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, threatening the livelihoods of surrounding communities, and polluting the environment. The energy transition is an opportunity for core stakeholders like companies and financial institutions that invest in them to reinvent their business models.
Session Objectives
Leveraging partners’ work and case studies, this discussion will unpack:
- How financial institutions and businesses can align their investment decisions with international human rights standards and propose how new business models in renewable energy can deliver shared prosperity.
- How to implement effective remedy mechanisms for communities most vulnerable to the negative impacts of Asia’s energy transition to power renewable energy technology.
This session will be moderated by Srishty Anand, Research and Advocacy Advisor, FFA. Panellists will include:
- Dwi Sawung, Manager of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia), and member of ResponsiBank Indonesia
- Mina Kobayashi, Legal Manager, Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), Japan
- Robie Halip, Coordinator, Right Energy Partnership with Indigenous Peoples (REP)
More information
To find out more about FFA and BHRRC’s session and the event logistics for the United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, click here.